Over on
Monday Morning Insight yesterday, they made a post that has the roll of Christians in forgiveness so wrong, I just feel like I need to talk about it a bit.
I'm going to start off quoting the article a bit, then responding to what he said.
The author says: The critical question that needs to be answered here is, “how does God forgive us?” Let’s answer this question in two ways. First, how does God forgive us as Christians, His children, those born-again? The answer is found in 1 John 1:9. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Is God willing to enter into full fellowship with us in our daily lives when we refuse to acknowledge our sins against Him? According to this verse, the answer is no. God’s forgiveness toward us in our walk with Him, those who are destined to spend eternity with Him, occurs only when we acknowledge our sins. Until then, His sweet fellowship in our daily lives is withheld.
This paints of a picture of God, sitting up in heaven, arms crossed, pounting, and saying "well, I'm not going to forgive them unless they say they are sorry first. This is not the Christ I have read in the scripture. The God of the bible activity pursues his people. He doesn't wait for us, but rather, while we are still sinners, he came to us and offered his life for our forgiveness.
The author adds "Second, how does God forgive those who have never entered into a relationship with Him?" I also think the author misses the point when he says Gos is not willing to enter into fellowship with us unless we repent. God greatly desires a relationship with us. The problem is we don't desire a relationship with him. God isn't with-holding his fellowship. Its we, the people, that refuse to enter into fellowship with him.
For example, let's say I have done something against you. I did something that caused you pain and has severed our relationship. We want nothing to do with each other. Now somewhere down the road, something moves in your heart and you forgive me, but I am still mad and don't accept your forgiveness. "I don't need your forgiveness! Why would you forgive me. I still hate you. " Even thought you have forgiven me, our relationship is still severed because I have not accepted your forgiveness.
This is very similar to how things are between God and us. He has forgiven us, but we cannot be in fellowship unless we accept that forgiveness, repent of our own wrong behaviors (sins), and then our relationship is restored with God. It's not about our repentance. That's not what says us. Its us accepting the forgiveness that has already been offered to us.
I'm not saying we do not need to repent. But that is what comes after forgiveness. Not before. A couple of weeks ago I talked about the movie "Beyond the Gates of Splendor". What if Elizabeth Elliot and the other wives waited until the men of the tribe who murdered their husbands had repented? Sitting back and waiting for the other person to say sorry first is the way of the world. I don't believe it is the way of those following the cross.
Image at the top of the post came from lorashelley.com