Sorry it's been a little while since I wrote an update on this old blog of mine. I started to write a little review of a Chris Rice concert that I attended at my church a couple of weeks ago, but never finished it. The time hasn't been there.
Trying to find the time to write lately has been hard. There is work and driving back and forth to work (Ug commuting!), Church things (Sunday mornings- Small groups preparations, ect). But I just finished a wonderful weekend with my favorite distraction, Amy. A wonderful woman from Indianapolis that I have been having the greatest time getting to know for the past couple of months.
Amy came up to Chicago this weekend, and it was great touring around Chicago over the weekend acting like a tourist. Went up on the Sears Tower for the first time since I was in grade school, and for the first time ever at night, saw the city by boat on the Chicago River, dined at Hard Rock Cafe and Dick's Last Resort, walked along the lake-front, and learned that Chicago had a Tiffany's. Somewhere in there we also squeezed in a VERY bad David Cassidy concert, but we greatly enjoyed sitting in the back and making fun of his awesome badness. Thankfully the township that was sponsoring the performance ended it with one of the best Firework shows I have seen in the burbs in a while (The photo above is not from this weekend, but a photo I took on the 4th). Of course, none of these things would have been 1/2 as fun without the company I had for the weekend. It will be tough waiting until I get to see Amy again, but at least I have something to look forward to soon.
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