I'm Patrick Gaffney. This is my blog. Deal with it.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Round Round Get Around I Get Around- Yeah!

I received this photo in the mail from some friends of mine (an older couple from my church that I housesat and stayed with for a couple of months last summer). The note with it said:
"Hi Patrick- We saw this "mock-up" of an old hotel near Tulenstown, New Zealand & thought of you. Enjoy!"

Its too small to see on the above photo- so here is a close up of why they thought of me.... ------>

<------ I guess this gives me the excuse to post this photo as well. This was about 6 months ago, I was driving to work, looked over to the side and saw a van driving by with my name on it. The camera phone was a new toy at that time, So I pulled it out and took a quick photo. It's an odd way to begin you day, seeing yourself pass you by.

Monday, June 27, 2005


Here's some of the ways I have been wasting my time online these past couple of months: Beware Of Darth Tom!

A fun little site :Montage-a-google.
And the fun game they made from it: Guess-the-google

And the best way to waste your work day: Kitten Cannon

Sunday, June 26, 2005

clean shaven

Yesterday I deciced to shave off the goatee. If you have known me a while- this most likely will not shock you- since I do it every now and then. but if you have never seen, here it is.

Edit to add: I just got IMed by a friend who read this and wanted to know where the update on the trip to Texas, and why I have waited so long to let her know what happened! Short story: The trip was fun, the Tina and I are just meant to be friends.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

ohhhh- picture!

Had my picture taken for the church directory a couple weeks back. This is the photo. I really don't like it much. I look tired and I should have kept my tie on. Oh well.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Bulletpoint Updates

It's been a long weekend, but since I am still up I thought I would give you all some bulletpoints on the last week and half of my life.

  • Just a little less the two weeks until I go to Texas! I'm really looking forward to meeting Tina face to face. I mention this first because last week Tina minorlly scolded me for leaving her last, and I would hate to anger anyone with the prankester spirit she has.
  • My first month on the new job and I hit my sales quota (a goal they don't expect you to hit for three months) so I'm pretty happy. This month I will have to do it without a busy holiday weekend to boost me up at the end of the month thought. I hope I can do it. Overall I would still say I am liking the new job, although I do miss being able to spend time at church on Sunday (I have to run out early to get to work) and I miss the big lunches with the whole gang after church on Sunday after church. It was a nice easy way to catch up with everyone. I need to make more of an effort to do it now, and there are a couple of people falling through the cracks. I need to put more effort into staying connected with them.
  • Would you believe I am going to Texas one week from Wenesday?!? I hope my TPing skills are up to snuff!
  • The new small group we started up at church is going great. I really have high hopes for what the summer will bring, and I hope it continues into the fall. I would love to tell you more about it, but as the saying goes "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!"
That's all I can think to tell you about right now. Besides the fact that I am going to bed. Good night!