My plans to go to Indy this weekend got screwed up when my job insisted I work on Sunday. But luckily Amy decided to come up here and see me. Then Saturday work gave me my paperwork to get my insurance started, and I decided to do what I thought was the right thing and tell them that I accepted another position somewhere and I would be leaving in a month. I just didn't want them to go through paying for my insurance when I was going to quit two weeks after it started. Well, my "right thing" led them to letting me go an hour later.

But even with that happening, I can't seem to think this was a bad weekend. I got to spend more time with Amy. And that's always a good thing. And even with the craziness of this weekend, it was great. She is great. It seems kind of crazy to be thinking of someone as much as I do of her, and as highly as I do of her. But I do. And being with her in the mist of this craziness made a world of difference. She pushes me and challenges me to grow. She believes I can do it. She makes me laugh and smile. I don't think I can do her justice in a few words on here, but trust me when I say I am a lucky guy.
We finally took a couple photos of us together this weekend. The first one is outside my apartment building after church. I look like a robot or bored in that one, but the girl next to me is pretty darn cute. And then Amy took the next one while we were sitting on my couch.
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