I'm Patrick Gaffney. This is my blog. Deal with it.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Patrick Gaffney A-Z

A - Age you got your first kiss: 15
B - Band listening to right now: Playing a song that was sent to me tonight by the person in the next letter,
(Hi there!) a really cool arrangement of "Ancient of Days"
C - Crush: Tina (Hi there!)
D - Dad's name: Patrick

E - Easiest person to talk to: Lately- it's letter C (Hi There!)

F - Favorite Bands at the Moment: Been listening to some of the old favs lately- Charlie Peacock, Steve Taylor, Keith Green.
G- Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Gummy Bears. Not a big sour fan
H - Hometown: Elk Grove Village, IL
I - Instruments: Sound board
J - Jam or Jelly: Peanut Butter
K - Kids: None
L - Longest Car Ride Ever: Chicago to St Louis
M - Mom's name: Valerie
N - Nicknames: Trick, Gaffer, Groovy, and my newest seems to be "sunshine"
(Hi there!)
O - One Wish: To visit Texas (Hi there!)

P - Phobias: I don't know if its a phobia, but I hate to drive over bridges.
Q - Quotes: If that is the worst thing to happen to me today, today will be a pretty good day
R - Reason to Smile: well, there is this girl..
(Hi there!)

S - Song you last sang: I was singing along to the radio at work, but I dont remember what the song was.

T - Time you woke up today: about 7ish
U - Unknown Fact About Me: If I told you, it wouldn't be unknown.

V - Vegetable you hate: Big veggie fan! I cannt think of one now.

W - Worst Habits: Putting myself down
X - X-rays you've had: they did it last time i was a the docote a couple of years ago, but it was just a check up

Y - Yummy Food: Big juicy cheeseburger!
Z - Zodiac Sign: Whatever Dec 13th is

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