There was a preview of
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe at Wheaton Bible Church today. Most of us were disappointed with the amount of the film that was shown, but there was plenty of other stuff that made it worth being there for two hours.
One of those things was right as you walked into to lobby of the church. There were props from the movie displayed around. Here's a few photos of some of the cooler stuff they displayed. They were taken with my cell phone camera, which does, as you can tell, suck. You may click the photos for a larger version if you witch, I mean wish...
Armor of the Armies of Narnia:
Fawn in Armor for battle
The White Witch's Turkish Delights BoxIt was much more shiny in person. No flash on my cell phone.
The White Witch's Chalice
Miniature Minotaur and Some Weapons
Very Cool (and kind of scary) Goblin Mask
The presentation itself had its moments of boredom, with some moments that were just so great it made it all worth it. They opened things up with a showing of the trailer that has been around for months now. The out came the people who talked and talked about how the Christian community could help promote it. There was also someone from Disney who showed a few slides from the movie.

After a bit they introduced Steven Curtis Chapman. He said a few words about how he found Narnia later in life and how he and his son co-wrote the song from the Narnia soundtrack. Then he sang "Remembering You" from the soundtrack of the movie. It was a pretty nice version with just him and his guitar. Steven also did a song from his new Christmas recording that was also pretty good.

We were also treated to hearing a bit from C.S. Lewis' stepson, Douglas Gresham. It was really a treat to hear some of his memories of his stepfather. It was pretty amusing to hear how he was disappointed the first time he met "Jack" (C.S. Lewis deciced as a child he didn't like the name Clive and insisted everyone call him Jack). Douglas looked like a charicter out of a Lewis book himself, with his vest and big old boots. The picture isn't the greatest, but it gives you an idea of what he looked like.
Eventually, they did get around to showing us a pretty cool 10 minute clip from the movie. And I do have to say, it does look pretty darn cool. The clip started off showing London being bombed with the children being rushed off to a bomb shelter by their mother. Next they are being put on a train out to the country so they are out of danger from the bombings, and brought to the home of the professor. After there it was a montage of many scenes. We see Mr. Tumnus and Mr. and Mrs Beaver. Both Tumnus and the Beavers look great. We see a bit of Asland. Asland is being voiced by Liam Neeson, and I couldn't help but think "is this what happens to Jedi's when they die?" The big battle between the White Witches Armies and the forces of Asland look great. They mentioned there are over 50 different races of creatures in that battle. The movie looks great. And hopefully I'll be there to see it when it comes out Dec 9th.